Cardinal Entertainment announces the launch of Zoombies Open Beta, fully functional play-to-earn model in the rapidly growing gamified NFT space
It would seem like the play-to-earn token model is a groundbreaking new concept, as the headlines are filled with shiny new projects launching weekly. The rate of release of this type of project reaffirms that players enjoy the intricately woven gamified rewards to have fun and still maintain a high level of value.
Cardinal Entertainment, a small relatively unknown team, has positioned itself perfectly in the storming NFT frenzy and the new play-to-earn world by applying their past Facebook platform game development knowledge in the blockchain space, since 2017. The Cardinal Entertainment team saw Moonbeam as a perfect fit for its expansion plans to Polkadot. Moonbeam’s Ethereum-compatible capabilities allow the Zoombies team to deploy to a Polkadot-based environment without rewriting their codebase. Zoombies is now available to test on Moonbeam’s TestNet, Moonbase Alpha.
“We knew that NFTs were something special, being an early owner of an original Cryptopunk NFT and dissecting every minute of the Cryptokitties crash of Ethereum, we set out to bring all the lessons from the Facebook app days and apply them in new experimental ways in the smart contracts”, says Ryan Price, CEO of Cardinal Entertainment.
Reverse engineering these first NFT smart contracts led to the creation of a new model that would unite NFTs with ERC20 fungible tokens in a fun and rewarding game: Cryptoz Cards.
“We have a few failed projects out in the wild under our belt, which puts us in the unique position of understanding which game mechanics work and which ones don’t. You cannot put a price on experience, we intend to leverage and build on that to maximize the value for our communities.”
With two play-to-earn NFT games shipped, Cardinal Entertainment invites the public to Beta test the latest iteration of the Cryptoz NFT platform on Moonbeam Network’s TestNet Moonbase Alpha: Zoombies World.
“We are in the final throws of a huge re-development of the Cryptoz Platform contracts, with a log of enhancements described in our latest blog post. We are excited to now invite the public to experience some aspects of the game using DEV tokens before we launch on Moonriver the real economic environment.”
Francisco Javier Agosti, Director of Markets and Partnerships at Moonbeam, explained: “Working with the Cardinal team has been an excellent experience for us. We are excited to bring new opportunities for digital collectibles that fit well into the emerging NFT ecosystem on Kusama and Polkadot. We are excited to see the adoption of this new game in the rapidly growing NFT community in Polkadot and Kusama.
For more information on how to access and participate in the Zoombies NFT World Moonbase Open Beta, read the latest blog post at https://cryptoz-cards.medium.com/zoombies-nft-world-a-new-beginning-94f7c167254e
What is Zoombies?
Zombies is an infinite world of NFT collectible trading cards built on Rarity, Scarcity and Community.
The Zoombies World brings all the value and excitement of blockchain NFTs into a tidy free-to-earn mix of predictable rules that result in unpredictable outcomes. Zoombies has something for everyone, and when luck strikes, it can take you out of this world! Zoombies is a full cycle token economy which allows players to mint, trade and burn NFTs and earn ERC-20 ZOOM tokens for highly liquid value transfer.
More info: https://zoombies.world/
What is Moonriver?
Moonriver is a companion network to Moonbeam and provides a permanently incentivized canary network. New code ships to Moonriver first, where it will be tested and verified under real economic conditions. Once proven, the same code ships to Moonbeam on Polkadot.
As a parachain on the Kusama network, Moonriver will benefit from the shared security of the Kusama relay chain and integrations with other chains that are connected to Kusama. Moonriver is currently launching in Kusama after a successful crowdloan campaign with around 6,000 contributors worldwide and over 200,000 KSM.
Learn more: https://moonbeam.network/networks/moonriver/
Media Contact
Company Name: Cardinal Entertainment
Contact Person: Ryan Price
Email: Send Email
Country: Canada
Website: https://zoombies.world
This news is republished from another source. You can check the original article here.
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